Phishing is sending links to trusted organizations or credible content, and if you click on those links, you will see that you are asking for information such as your ser name, password, Bank acc, card number, etc. If you type your user name and password, Bank acc, card number in those places, and if you add your account data, Bank acc number, card number, the money in your Bank Acc must be removed. Please note that phishing links are often sent with similar website addresses pretending to be known and trusted websites and organizations, so you should check the website link and website URLs carefully and fill them in.
Don’t always be aware of scams that use phishing technology. Phishing techniques are constantly being developed in new ways, so you should be careful not to fall for the tricks of such new technologies. IT administrators should also take security awareness training and re-share with users. Most of the links you see on websites you trust and use on a regular basis are fine, but clicking on anonymous links in random emails and chat messages can be dangerous. Those links are sent by pretending to be legitimate companies, and when you visit them, they are made similar to the email addresses or URLs of legitimate companies, so if you don’t check carefully, you won’t notice easily.
You shouldn’t easily enter your account, password, and personal information in those links. Therefore, if you are in doubt, you should visit the original pages and check before clicking on such dangerous links. If you do not regularly check the accounts that you have opened and are not in use, it is true that fraudsters are calmly manipulating your account. Even if you cannot check properly regarding technology, you should do regular checks. Especially, it is best to set a regular password for your account.
You should check your bank statements regularly to avoid phishing of your bank account and credit cards. The most important thing is that you should not keep the same passwords for your accounts. Security enhancements for popular browsers are constantly being rolled out. If you turn off the notification to update the browser on your laptop and mobile phone, you will not be notified to update. You must be careful not to accidentally expose your personal or financial important information online. It is important not to type your financial account numbers into links from illegal pages. If in doubt, you should make inquiries and phone calls to legitimate pages.